Male guppies have very stunning coloration. They are … A sorority is a community tank of female betta fish with 5 or more members. Betta=fighting fish, likes to fight with fishes similar in size and look. Kuhli Loach – Small eel looking fish that get more active at night while Bettas sleep Female Guppy – Only female, no male Guppies because they have long, bright-colored fins; Pleco – A sucker-mouth catfish, with armor-like scales covering upper body and head Endlers – Colorful green, red, and black fish with a forked tail, only grow to be one-inch long Colors can change depending on the stress level of the fish. Female bettas are also aggressive, territorial, and unpredictable at times so it’s important to monitor behavior and provide plenty of hiding spots. Betta fish are known to fight amongst themselves. You would want a 10 gallon at the very least, and lots of plants and decorations, and even still there is always some risk to it. Yes you can. A female betta should be ok with male guppies. in other words No. If you do decide to try this type of tank is is strongly recommended that you have another tank set up and ready to house either the betta or the guppies as things can go south quite quickly. Female Bettas will be more colorful when stressed than non-stressed females. E. EllieC2020 New Member. The guppies don't attack the Betta, but they will take tiny bites out of his fins. Their speed though counters this problem in that they can easily avoid the bettas attack. This is because female guppy fish are less colorful and vibrant. If you get a bigger tank, 10 gallons+ but bigger the better, you could try some type of rasboras. Your 5 gallon is fully stocked with a single betta. These tetras share the same water conditions as bettas, low pH, high temp, and soft water. It's perfectly fine for female guppies to be kept with a male betta. The first reason is that the male is sick or diseased. Female Guppies can do well with male Bettas because they have dull colors. If you see any aggression, I'd remove the betta or guppies. combatibility female betta fish male guppy click to enter! Again, there is always a chance things could go wrong, but they are less likely to go wrong with this pair. On the other hand, a female guppy could live with your male betta pet. I have a small female betta and I am wondering if I could keep her with two same sized male guppies without any problems. 4 years ago. So stick to smaller kinds of betta. Female bettas tend not to have the males’ aggressive streak and are generally peaceable. And there’s actually a couple of reasons they do this. They are good fish to have and can have a … So generally, success will depend on the temperament of your betta. Species with long, flowing fins and tails may see the guppies as rivals and fight with them, and bettas and gouramis can quickly kill guppies if they decide to attack them. Additionally, tetras enjoy being in schools so 5+ in a 10gallon tank is necessary for healthy tetras. (And the guppies I have are both very colorful and have enormous tails.) Housing a male Betta with a male Guppy is the worst combination. 0 0. Females are territorial and will "flare" at other female Bettas or male Bettas. They can be in a tank with other fish no probs as long as they ain't fin nippers, also don't put with a male betta unless you want to breed but even then they are picky. Male Bettas and male Guppies are best kept far away from each other! Float him in the cup he came in or put him in a breeder net on the … This might be better than putting two male fish together. Guppies really do resemble a male betta, and that's the reason I wouldn't keep Male guppies with a male betta. 1 female and 1 male can't stay together, so 2 females is even worse! Peter Mellarkson. when we put them in the same tank, the older guppy bit of the tail of a male guppy and it died. 5) Freshwater Puffer Fish. Female guppies can be kept with a betta fish, but better kept in a separate tank if you plan to breed them. Males are the fighting type. They all have different personalities TBH . And that can lead to disquiet in the tank if the bettas take offense to being the object of the guppies’ attentions. My betta loves his tank mates, zebra danios. To make this possible, you need to properly set-up the aquarium and introduce the betta fish properly. Either way, I never recommend guppies with bettas, the long colorful fins of the guppies can provoke the betta to attack. my mom bought 3 males and one female being that we already have a female guppy which is a human year older than the rest. Male bettas likely see fancy male guppies as rival male bettas and will attack them. This only happens rarely but as proof my friend had a Betta and guppies, and at first thee Betta had long flowing fins but they got shorter and shorter and then he removed the guppies and the fins re-grew. One of the guppy sexes resembled with a betta. Betta will show their aggressiveness towards any fish they assume as a betta fish. The betta shouldn't sustain any injuries, but the guppies most definitely will if he decides to go after them. Although some people might avoid Bettas because of their aggressive behavior, you don’t need to as long as you know how to handle them. The larger the aquarium the more likely it would work out. If the betta starts to attack the other fish then take her out. If there is no means of escape, this will usually result in the death of one or both the fish. However their colors may cause the betta to become aggressive. However, Bettas tend to be a bit slower and as you're probably aware, guppy fry are pretty good at zipping around, so I … I know that guppies look similar to Bettas because of their lovely tails, and because of that reason they will attack them if they see them. Female betta fish aren’t always dull. Guppies lack in defensive capability. But a female, depending on personality, may or may not be compatible with guppies and mollies. When female bettas live together, the group is called a sorority. The guppies are too active and colourful and bettas find them stressful and threatening ☹️ As bettafish3223 has said a breeder box would be the best option for now to separate her from the guppies, but she will still be able to see them. The problem with putting a female in there is that you will, ... no.iv never had luck with bettas with guppies.bettas attack anything that looks like him/has a fancy tail. Male guppies are brightly colored and have long, flowing tails, both of these elements will trigger the male bettas and cause them to attack the guppies. I have several male bettas living with guppies right now without any problems, but it really depends upon the betta. Female Guppies and Male Betta. Bright, bold coloration in the body and fins is a good indication of a male Betta. Female bettas can often live together harmoniously with adequate space, which means a tank in the 10-gallon (38-liter) range.But monitor them. I have a female Betta in my tank, look on my profile she is there. The may be 'chilling' now, but I … Jessica Kirk, a veterinarian and head of Vet Explains Pets, says by email that female bettas can sometimes become aggressive with other females — or any other fish.So if you've got a female or two and want to introduce new fish, do so one at a time. They are very flashy which attract the attention of female betta. The betta will attack your male guppy, once they misidentify them. A territorial battle will occur between male Betta and male Guppy and may result in the death of your Guppy. Male Betta fish can learn to live with female guppies. You may also notice that sometimes a female guppy will attack a male. That is a easy question to answer too. then it was biting the tail of the female a bit and it tore the fins from another male guppy. Males in particular are prone to high levels of aggression and will attack each other if housed in the same tank. Since the male Guppies have bright colors on their tails, it will trigger aggression in male Bettas. Male Bettas should not be kept with male Guppies, as the Betta will confuse the colorful tail of the Guppy to belong to a little male Betta. Male Betta Fish With Female Guppies. Small, fast fish, particularly some members of the tetra family, may nip your guppies’ fins, causing the guppies to look ragged even though they aren’t the ones doing the fighting. Some bettas will attack the guppies for their flashy colors. then it was 1 male and 2 females. It’s a good idea to limit the number of betta fish that share the tank with your guppies. She seems to be very peaceful if that helps. Althoggh as has already been said, bettas and guppies unfortunately don't make good tank mates. The ever-popular Betta fish continues to be in high demand due to their personality and beautiful finnage and coloring. However, male guppies do mistake female bettas for guppies. Nov 4, 2020 #1 I have a large tropical tank of which I have some harlequin rasboras, platys, mollies and male guppies. People tend to gravitate towards buying the male Betta rather than the female because of the male’s ornamentalism. It’s a good idea to keep one betta fish in a single aquarium. Puffers have mouths that can crush shells. The female betta sorority should not contain more than 4-5 fish for a medium-sized tank. I had guppies and they were so adorable. Female Guppy Attacking Males? However, you can find colorful female betta fish from breeders. So, my question is, will my guppies be safe to be put in a tank with 1 or more female Bettas? It has worked before. And guppies, mollies, and platies aren't the best tankmates for bettas. Number of Betta Fish. What I would do is put the female in with the guppies and mollies and see how they bond. On another note, your Guppies should be in a 1 male - at least 3 female ratio. I have my betta with guppies and tetras and they all do great together. the betta will attack the guppies due to their fancy looking tales and the angle fish and betta will attack each other . Could I put the Betta together with the other two fish, or will they nip/be aggressive towards each other? The larger the betta fish, the more dangerous it will be for your guppies. It depends Male betta's attack things that look like other male bettas ( Such as guppies, with their huge flashy tails ) I'd try a 10-15 gallon with a school of male guppies, and a betta . Joined Sep 27, 2020 Messages 6 Reaction score 1 Location UK. Although female bettas are also territorial, they are more social than males. Unfortunately, just like in the wild, your guppies aren’t going to feel sympathetic to each other. The minimum recommended tank size is 10-gallons (long horizontal tanks are better than tall vertical tanks). There may be a bit of flaring depending on the temperament of the betta, but everyone should get along just fine. Male bettas are a big mistake to put in with those fish. But my other betta brutally murdered one in the night. Female Guppies and Bettas are OK, and female Bettas are OK with either sex of Guppy. I have a male Betta in his own bowl, and a mickey mouse platy and guppy in a 5 gallon filtered bowl. Guppy and betta looks similarly alike, if betta is female, they will get along, if is male, both of your guppies will definantly die unless your tank is at least 20 gallons, guppy could run from your male betta's atk.