Belladonna - Use for throbbing tooth that's worse when pressure is applied. The fifth chakra is located at the level of the throat and is associated with the neck and its various components such as the trachea, esophagus, cervical vertebrae, and throat; as well as the jaw, ears, mouth, teeth, gums, bronchial tubes and upper lungs. Let us start with Upper teeth. To better understand how to relieve pain, let me give you a simple look at the offending pain source, the teeth! If the latter has occurred, you could suffer serious complications without rapid treatment. The gland, which the fifth chakra is paired with, is that of the thyroid. Calcarea carbonica - Use for a toothache that worsens when exposed to hot or cold air. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may have an imbalance in the root chakra: Pain and stiffness in your feet and legs; Excess flexibility in your hamstrings/low sense of … Issues with this chakra can be seen via problems with the associated organs, like urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and impotency. Throat Chakra- Itchy throat, dry cough, dry mouth, sudden onset of allergies, sore throat, sinus issues, teeth or jaw pain. Warning Signs this Chakra Is Out of Balance. Emotions attached to the tooth shows what emotions need to be healed. Consider the front two teeth as number 8 and 9. When I was a newbie in Reiki, I always wondered about which chakra was to be healed for particular problem/disease. The pain was terrible. Once you determine the chakras and organs, give reiki to jaw, throat chakra, and affected chakra or the organs (as per meridian). The throat chakra rules over the throat, thyroid, vocal cords, mouth, teeth, gums, jaws ears and muscles and when imbalanced, issues such as chronic sore throats, a raspy voice, mouth ulcers, gum problems, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems, headaches, ear problems and pain in … Last week I got a terrible tooth ache. I would begin to sweat and talking was very painful to do. Emotionally, this chakra … I had never felt pain like this before. Root cause vs immediate cause The biggest difference between holistic oral health coaching and mainstream dentistry may be coaching’s c onsideration of the Chamomilla - Use for a toothache with intolerable pain that's worse from warmth and not better with cold. At one point in our Reiki practice, many of us were in a dilemma about which chakra to heal for certain disease/problem. Oral pain can be caused by a variety of serious issues, including tooth decay, a damaged filling, a tooth fracture, infected gums or an abscessed tooth. Here is an article especially written for new Reiki practitioners. The last four, the wisdom teeth, come in between the ages of 17 and 21 and can cause varying amounts of pain before they finally get through. As you look at the chart, you will notice that the maxillary molars and mandibular bicuspids cross the same meridians. The need to keep clearing your throat. These complications could include the loss of the tooth and supporting bone. But then I started to have pain in my lower lip, left jaw, upper mouth, left temple and left forehead. This chakra is also related to your family of origin and your human tribe. Looking at a meridian tooth chart, you can find the appropriate tooth and follow the blocks vertically, or you may locate an organ that will lead you to the corresponding tooth. Aranea diadema - Use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth after lying down. For close to a year it was mainly pressure and strange sensations in my Chakras. I used to ... Read More about Diseases and Associated Chakras Each adult usually has 32 teeth, 16 upper and 16 lower.