Instead of baking your sweet potato whole, cut it up and roast it instead. They taste like a crispy sweet potato. Purple sweet potatoes are root vegetables. They are not very sweet unless you cook them with sugar, honey, maple syrup - things like that. Rule weight: 0.51 Evidence weight: 0.98 Similarity weight: 0.81 Will definitely make again. I usually buy frozen ones because making them fresh is a pain. What Are Purple Sweet Potatoes? Roasted. Went on line and perused all recipes with at least 4-1/2 stars and selected this one. As for the recipe, I made these for my dogs, and they just adore them! When cooked, these sweet potatoes have a slight flakiness akin to a regular potato. Find recipes for sweet potato casseroles, fries, pie, soup and more in this collection of sweet potato recipes. They taste kind of like pumpkin or squash. A vine-type variety, it is known for its great taste, making it an excellent baking and cooking potato. 0.40. Typicality and Rermarkability incompatibility between a parent and a child. White-fleshed sweet potatoes like the Hannah were some of the first to be farmed and eaten in America. Well, I baked and peeled my sweet potatoes, mixed the rest together and poured into my pie crust. The tubers taper to points on both ends and are members of the Ipomoea genus, just like other sweet potatoes (yams are of the genus Dioscorea).There are two main varieties—Okinawa (white skin) and Stokes (purple skin)—though they share the characteristic of having a deep purple flesh. 0.41. Whether they are mashed, roasted, or baked, this versatile vegetable offers a plethora of options. Here's some more information on them. Roots are a light copper color with moist, reddish-orange flesh. I always buy Alexia brand Sweet Potato Fries. Adding a nice sprinkling of salt gives them a delicious sweet, salty taste that can really make a meal. I like to mash them in place of regular potatoes, and when whipping them, add butter, cinnamon, maple syrup, & cream. Put in a casserole dish and garnish with chopped candied pecans. Growing season is 115 to 120 days. They have a great taste and cook quick and easy. An old-fashioned sweet potato that is perhaps the sweetest of all varieties. Sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family (cousins of potatoes), whereas real yams are completely unrelated. I added enough butter and salt that I could ignore it, but I'm so close to a perfect baked potato that I'd love to figure this out to avoid it in the future. The quickest way to cook a sweet potato is to chop it into cubes and boil it in salted water. The young shoots and leaves are sometimes eaten as greens.The sweet potato is distantly related to the common potato (Solanum tuberosum), both being in the order Solanales. Rule weight: 0.51 Evidence weight: 0.98 Similarity weight: 0.82 When I bit into the potato, though, it had a distinctly sweet edge to it. Hannahs are dense, firm, and creamy, and much less prone to becoming waterlogged than orange sweet potatoes. Packed with nutrients, sweet potatoes are a healthy and colorful addition to any meal. You can easily turn a sweet potato into oven-baked sweet potato fries or accentuate its sweet flavor with a honey and cinnamon dressing.. Boiled. This is the first time I’ve tried baking a sweet potato pie, although I do bake a lot of other pies. Typicality and Rermarkability incompatibility between a parent and a child. The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. Yams are generally larger, starchier, and a lot drier than sweet potatoes.