Rating: 7.27 Votes: 30. Many peacock bass owners keep these fish in tanks of up to 180 gallons in size to accommodate for multiple individual fish. If you notice one or more of your peacock bass have ich, treat the entire tank before quarantining the affected fish, as there is a likelihood that the other fish have already been exposed and are simply not displaying symptoms yet. Feed small peacock bass several times a day but with small amounts of food. Peacock bass also have a black spot with a yellowish halo on the caudal fin. Fish guide for Peacock Cichlid, Cichla ocellaris, Butterfly Peacock Bass profile with fish pictures, description and information, Peacock Bass care, diet, habitat and breeding, Peacock Cichlid tank mates, behavior and compatibility in the aquarium, Eye Spot Cichlid. Water Conditions. Peacock bass are particularly prone to diseases caused by poor water quality and pathogen exposure. They are sometimes referred to in English by their Brazilian name tucunaré or their Spanish name pavon. Many peacock bass owners keep these fish in tanks of up to 180 gallons in size to accommodate for multiple individual fish. Peacock Bass Water conditions (Temperature, pH, KH) Your peacock bass will need a tank that is relatively warm, with temperatures ranging between 75 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Share. A guide to the 16 described species of peacock bass — Our peacock bass species directory has been made available in an effort to provide anglers with clear and concise information about all of the currently described species. Trout: Care Guide, Tank Size, Diet and More…, PEA PUFFER: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Click Here To Visit DeadsoulReaper Twitch, Texas Cichlid: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Payara: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Datnoid: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Golden Wonder Killifish: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Female Betta Fish: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Redtail Catfish: Care Guide, Tank Size, Diet and More…, Otocinclus catfish: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE …, Flowerhorn Cichlid: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Corydoras panda: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE …, A Scientific Diet for Larger Awowana and Top…. This disease is caused by a parasite known as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Live foods are also more expensive, and while peacock bass enjoy the prey drive and aggressive feeding tactics of live foods, they may not be a good idea for all fish owners. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Eventually a single Peacock Bass will need a huge aquarium with at least 250-gallons of water. They are somewhat sensitive to lower oxygen levels, but can tolerate it better than some species because they are used to living in slower flowing tributaries. In the wild, they can get as large as 27 pounds. How fast/slow should you expect them to grow? Personally, I would keep it a solo species tank. To prevent it, feed your fish a varied diet and add high-fiber foods like peas to help relieve constipation. It is a rare species, found only in the Negro and Orinoco drainages. Peacocks are gorgeous fish and would do best on their own. Because peacock bass is a general name,as their are several varities of peacock bass, ea. i'm lookin for 2-3 tankmates for a 3" peacock bass in a 150 for life. A juveniles these smaller bass can be raised to a good size in a 55-125 gallon tank reaching a size of 6-8 before being transferred into the bigger tank. With adults sizes of around 2 feet in length, it is important to provide an aquarium that is long enough and wide enough from front to back to allow the Peacock Bass to swim and turn around comfortably. vote … They prefer to feed on mostly fish, and have actually reduced the number of many exotic species in the wild, such as the spotted tilapia. Their explosively violent surface strikes are usually followed by strong runs and energetic … pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5. Peacock bass will lay between 4,00 and 10,000 eggs on a flat, hard surface, with young guarded by both parents for several months at a time. Peacock bass are voracious eaters, attempting to eat anything that even comes close to being smaller or the same size as themselves. ... A good rule of thumb is that … Peacock bass (or Brazilian tucunaré) (Cichla) is a genus of large cichlids, diurnal and predatory freshwater fish native to the Amazon and Orinoco basins, as well as rivers of the Guianas, in tropical South America. Peacock bass require sand and/or gravel at the bottom of their tanks for forage. Ranked #45 out of 7470 freshwater fish pictures worldwide. Females will have similar coloring, ut also have yellow on their cheek and gill covers. I would have to suggest getting a larger silver arowana with a small peacock bass. Before we explore our complete guide to Peacock Bass below, I’ve condensed the key information down into a facts table shown below. What Size Tank Do Peacock Cichlids Need? Firemouth Cichlid Care Guide: Are You Ready For This Fiery Fish? We’ve made great progress toward creating a definitive guide, but there's still more information we can add. This part helps fish stay afloat, so when your fish has this disease, it will have difficulty remaining submerged. There are fourteen traditionally recognized species of peacock bass, with several others undescribed that are believed to be native to Brazil. Peacock bass are similar in appearance to that of a largemouth bass. Butterfly Peacock Bass (Cichla ocellaris): This fish only occurs in Brazil, and can tolerate a number of cooler temperatures. Most LFS peacock bass are more mild. Crayfish: Care Guide, Tank Size, Diet and More…. Azul Peacock Bass (Cichla piquiti) Quick Care FactsCare Level: Moderate Temperament: Aggressive Maximum Size: 29" Minimum Tank Size: 350 gallons Water Conditions: 76-84° F, KH 5-15, pH 5.0-7.5 Diet: Carnivore Origin: Native to South America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas & Brazil Family: Cichlidae Species: Peacock Bass Aquarium Type: Cichlid-New-World Species Information Azul Peacock Bass … This tank picture looks better than 99.4% of tank pictures in this category. Your eggs should hatch in three or four days. The adult size of the Orinoco Peacock Bass is also an important factor in choosing the right aquarium to house them, with the size and shape of the aquarium being very important. They will increase in length up to 14 inches by the time they hit their second year of life, at this point beginning to level out. They love plenty of coverage, such as that provided by fallen trees or overhanging vegetation. 73-77° F, KH 4-5, pH 6.0-7.2. Your email address will not be published. Info. As the fish grow older, they can make do with just one or two larger feedings every day. Up Next. Therefore, you should always place a cover on the top of the tank to prevent this from happening. pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5. I highly advise them. Despite the common name and their superficial similarity, they are not closely related to other fish known as bass, such as the North American largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). At this age (large juvenile to fully grown adult), you can also feed them foods like market shrimp and smelt. This is widely believed to be caused by poor water quality and mineral imbalance, although some studies have suggested that the presence of the parasite Hexamita may also contribute. They are also territorial, causing them to fight with each other and with other species. To put it simply peacock bass don’t have the activity level of a rock, an 18 inch fish that is decently active will need far more space than an 18 inch fish that acts like a rock, 6 inches of space to turn around is absolutely not going to work. They are not closely related to traditional bass, like the North American largemouth bass, but are considered food and game fish in many parts of the world. #4. General: The peacock bass is a member of the Cichlidae family that will not fail to impress with a colorful eyespot, and attentive behavior. Shopping. Solo, you might even get lucky and spawn them. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 7 - 20°N (125 - 357.14ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F. A good filtration system is imperative to raising healthy peacock bass. Most people with peacock bass get maximum tank sizes of 180 gallons so that they can accommodate multiple fish without limiting their space and, consequently, growth. These fish are not picky eaters, but prefer live foods such as fish, insects, and even rodents! You can also add plants or ledges, as these fish need a place to wait for prey and ambush species (even though they aren’t necessarily doing that in your tank!). Peacock bass are technically cichlids and have diurnal instincts that allow them to be incredibly active and agile during the day. This cichlid can live past ten years, reach a length of over two feet, and weigh well over ten pounds. Peacock bass need quite a bit of space in order to handle their naturally territorial, aggressive behaviors. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. They also need high levels of dissolved oxygen. The five major types are as follows: Tucunare (Cichla temensis): These fish have two distinct color phases, changing colors as they mature into adulthood. • Minimum Tank Size: 350 gallons • Water Conditions: 76-84° F, KH 5-15, pH 5.0-7.5 • Diet: Carnivore • Origin: Native to South America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas & Brazil • Family: Cichlidae • Species: Peacock Bass • Aquarium Type: New World Cichlid Aquarium Peacock bass are the largest of the cichlids, with some species growing to nearly a meter long. 29" Peacock bass community aquarium. The Spotted Peacock Bass and Speckled Peacock Bass attains the greatest size of all peacock bass with the largest one on record being a 28 pound peacock, though this record is expected to be a temporary record with some many fish being caught in the mid 20 pound range. The normal expected adult size is ten pounds, but those exceeding this weight are common in some areas. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. It can reach about six pounds and has long dark stripes along its body. Green, Black, Red. Some species can reach up to thirty inches long! This can be challenging for someone visiting the pet store and looking at a young cichlid; they look as though they will never grow that large in size. Only keep peacock bass in indoor tanks when they are juveniles, and try to select an aquarium of at least 70 gallons. Juvenile and fry fish will need even warmer temperatures of no less than 76 degrees. These fish were introduced in the large coastal canals of southeast Florida in 1984, but they aren’t abundant in most of this state because the waters are too cold. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 18 + Minimum Tank Size. 300. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Peacock Bass – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding The peacock bass (Cichla ocellaris) is an apex predator in the fish world that has become quite popular among aquarium hobbyists. They usually strike violently, then jump energetically, making them an interesting species to watch in your aquarium – but not if they are trying to eat your other aquarium fish! These fish grow incredibly quickly during their first sixteen to eighteen months of life. Tropical Fish. With adults sizes of around 2 feet in length, it is important to provide an aquarium that is long enough and wide enough from front to back to allow the Peacock Bass to swim and turn around comfortably. It can be a challenge to raise peacock bass with other fish species since they are so aggressive. To be specific, I got them to eat Hikari’s carnisticks, they do have a strong smell but your fish don’t complain. In the wild they are bottom dwellers meaning they will sift through the … These fish have long been regarded as one of the top predatory species in the fish world, growing to massive sizes in the wild as well as in captivity. We do Combined Shipping for multiple fishes at a low LOW price! What foods are recommended for Peacock Bass? Unlike most other cichlids, they are top level piscivorous predators with a unique feeding method – think a mixture of the ambush rush of a PNG black bass followed by the “suction feeding” boof of a barra. Quick Care FactsCare Level: Moderate Temperament: Aggressive Maximum Size: 28" Minimum Tank Size: 350 gallons Water Conditions: 80-84° F, KH 5-15, pH 5.0-6.5 Diet: Piscivore, Carnivore Origin: Amazon River, Rio Negro, Oyapock River Family: Cichlidae Species: Peacock Bass Aquarium Type: Cichlid-New-World Species Informa The larger the tank, the better. You can use salt baths, raised tank temperatures, or malachite green to treat your fish. Common name: Peacock bass. Peacock bass are small when they are young, usually less than twelve inches. They are native to tropical South America, particularly in the rivers of the Guianas and the Amazon and Orinoco basins. These subtypes are very violent, and should not be housed with other fish. Peacock bass prefer to inhabit warm, slow moving canals, lakes, ponds, rock pits, and places like beneath bridges or culverts. Peacock Bass Water conditions (Temperature, pH, KH) Your peacock bass will need a tank that is relatively warm, with temperatures ranging between 75 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. You will need to feed them newly hatched brine shrimp until they are slightly larger. Peacock bass do love live foods, as these are what they feed upon in their natural environment, but these can cause tank contamination and/or diseases; it’s important to keep this in mind. This can be caused by physical injury or communicable diseases (like tuberculosis), but the more common cause is poor nutrition or constipation. Peacock bass on average can grow up to 26in in length, many with weights well into the double digits. Adults sizes range from around 24 to 28 inches in length, thus it is important to provide an aquarium that is long enough and wide enough from front to back to allow the Peacock Bass to swim and turn around comfortably. Country: United States. I hope that tank could last them a while. Aulonocara Fish. As a smaller fish, it is better suited to aquarium dwelling. Peacock bass are among the largest of the cichlids, and feed with a unique method. It has the smallest relative scale size of the genus, generally having from … These fish are perfectly suited to bodies of water that move quickly, with powerful pectoral fins and a slim, sleek build that helps them ambush prey. They also grow quite large, and will need this space in order to coexist peacefully with other species. With adult Kelberi Peacock Bass reaching between 10" to 18" in length, they can be suitably housed as an adult in aquariums of 180 gallons or larger. When I kept peacock bass I had no problem getting them onto pellets. They can also live in relative harmony with the following: If you choose to house your peacock bass with other species, make sure you have a tank large enough to accomodate all of them, as all of these species will grow to be extremely large. Your peacock bass will need a tank that is relatively warm, with temperatures ranging between 75 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Most peacock bass keepers use a couple canister filters on their big aquariums. If you want to give it a try, you can syphon your fry out of a tank and move them to a filtered and aerated tank. Firstly their size. Up For Sale are 2.25" Kelberi Peacock Bass Fish. Dwarf Gourami: CARE GUIDE, TANK SIZE, DIET AND MORE…, Peacock Bass: Care Guide, Tank Size, Diet and More…. Scientific name: Cichla ocellaris. pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5. Tank Size: 150 gallons. Peacock Cichlid Diet and Feeding. Royal Peacock Bass (Cichla intermedia): Most commonly known as the Royal Peacock Bass, this fish is generally well-suited to faster moving waters. They will usually try to eat any other fish that cohabitate the tank with them. Keep your tank clean and maintained, and try to avoid feeding live food frequently to help cut down on the amount of floating matter that will build up in the tank. In the wild, these fish will filter the sand for shrimp, insects, and other small prey. Description: Peacock bass Nov 2010 cicla orinocensis 15" 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank 430.42 litres / 113.87 gallons tankmates: Indo Tigers (datnoides) Albino Pleco Red Severum Marbled Goby Cicila Tememsis … This fish lives for 8-10 years and, at times, longer in captivity under the right conditions and over fifteen years in the wild. As a minimum at least a 240 gallon tank should suffice for peacock bass. Temperament: Semi-aggressive ( Will eats Anythings That fit in His Mouth ) Water Conditions: pH 6.0-8.0, 75-85 degrees. The adult size of the Butterfly Peacock Bass is also an important factor in choosing the right aquarium to house them, with the size and shape of the aquarium being very important. Small bass like to eat frozen blood worms, freeze dried krill, feeder guppies, and minnows. Best in a single-species tank, the Bucktooth Tetra is an attractive fish that will add … Hole in the head disease is another common cichlid disease with a malignant sounding name and outcome. If you have  plenty of space in which to house these fish, they are a fantastic fish to keep as pets. If your tank begins to develop a lot of build-up or detritus, you may need to switch to commercial fish foods with only the occasional live feeding. Peacock bass are a popular sport and game fish for recreational anglers, but many people love to have them as part of the aquarium habitats in their homes as an alternative. Ideally, you should try to install an external or sump filtration system. Peacock bass spawn from April through September in the wild, with the summer months providing the greatest surge in reproduction. Breeding males will have golden coloration on their side, along with vertical black bars and a greenish head and white chest. Copy link. To date, there are no reports of peacock bass being bred successfully in captivity. This disease affects the part of the body known as (as you might guess) the swim bladder. Peacock bass need a high quality environment with very low levels of pollutants. hello, i just got a brand new 60-75 g tank with 3 1.1inch peacock bass i think there either mono or ocilles pbass. As mentioned, peacock bass prefer live food. When caring for and feeding peacock bass, watch each individual fish closely to get a better idea of its individual, unique eating habits. Peacock bass will try to eat anything they come into contact with. These have sometimes completely disappeared by the time the fish reaches full maturity. As juveniles, these fish are always waiting to be fed. Their lower jaws will be white or light yellow, and they will also have light spots. Usual size in fish tanks: 68 - 74 cm (26.77 - 29.13 inch) 0 14. Many peacock bass owners keep these fish in tanks of up to 180 gallons in size to accommodate for multiple individual fish. This will keep them comfortable as adults, although juvenile and fingerlings may be okay in tanks around 30 gallons in size. Peacock Bass Water conditions (Temperature, pH, KH), Tips on keeping Peacock Bass in good health. Peacock bass are one of the apex predators of the fish world, and their popularity has been growing among aquarium hobbyists in the modern age. They can also survive in more brackish warm-water environments. Some species reaching 30 or bigger. Butterfly Peacock bass (Cichla orinocensis ):  This is a smaller subspecies, reachin only twelve pounds in size. Their colors vary widely depending on their subspecies, but most have three black vertical bars, fading as the fish ages. They ambush their prey before using a “suction feeding” mechanism. $15 Shipping . Max Size. As these fish grow larger, they place an immense bioload on the tank. has its own aggression levels, size, and coloration. With adult Kelberi Peacock Bass reaching between 10" to 18" in length, they can be suitably housed as an adult in aquariums of 180 gallons or larger. That said, you can sometimes have success with raising peacock bass with oscars. Your fish might also have symptoms like labored breathing, lethargy, or clamped fins. They will occasionally eat pellets, but live foods like fish, shrimp, worms, or even other fish or rodents are also acceptable. Ich is another disease with which very few aquarium hobbyists are unfamiliar. If you’re planning to keep a community of them then a 100 gallons tank is needed. Compatibility: Some recommended tank mates include other large South American Cichlids, Synodontis Catfish, and large ... Aquarium Size: when small a few Peacock Bass can live for a while in an aquarium with 30 to 60-gallons of water but will soon need a much bigger aquarium. A member of the largest families of freshwater fishes – cichlids – Peacock Bass are prone to several common aquarium fish diseases. peacock bass and tank size? Peacock bass are naturally found in the tropical regions of North, South, and Central America, tending to inhabit freshwater areas or the acidic blackwaters of the Amazon. Color. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Watch later. A Peacock Cichlid will need an at least a 55 gallon aquarium. When raising juveniles, you can keep the fish tank indoors, but as they grow older, an outdoor environment is your ideal choice. Tap to unmute. Swim bladder disease is one of the most common aquarium illnesses. Diet. The largest peacock bass caught in the United States was twelve pounds and measured nearly 28 inches in length, but some have suggested that wild peacock bass as well as those raised in captivity can become even larger.