Leopard geckos need a wide variety of insects that are well fed a calcium rich diet and should be dusted with calcium just prior to feeding.  A common consequence of poor diet is hepatic lipidosis. Sanitize Your Hands. Once you notice that your leopard gecko is still impacted after trying out the methods stated above, then you will need to take your leopard gecko to an experienced reptile vet. So if you catch your leopard gecko dropping a waxy substance followed by a little vent licking, then they’re either marking their territory or trying to attract a female leopard gecko. Depending on the size of your crested gecko, the poop might be as small as a rice grain, or as big as a string or coin. If this happens, house each leopard gecko separately, or they might injure each other when you are not there. Hatchling and juvenile leopard geckos may poop several times a day, where adult leopard geckos may poop once every few days. Just like humans (and other animals), there are a number of factors that affect the frequency of defecation. Here are some other common health issues that are associated with leopard geckos. However, you can easily avoid this by keeping your leos hydrated all the time. It is very common for leopard geckos to get impacted. A healthy leopard gecko will eat frequently and once your gecko stops eating, it may be suffering from an illness. in their enclosure. Your gecko may not be growing because the other leopard gecko in the enclosure is bullying it for food, hiding spot, or water, leaving one gecko with improper body nourishment. Leopard gecko poop does smell, and it smells more when it’s fresh. This can then lead to an impaction. Give your gecko a warm bath two times a day for three to four days in a row. I don't know If he might have parasites or not. Note: the metabolic bone disease does not have a cure once your gecko has it, but you can only stop it from progressing once your leos have it. Prolapse hemipenis: this is a severe problem associated with male leopard geckos after mating. Urates are leopard geckos’ way of urinating, and it is made up of uric acid. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The best temperature for leopard gecko digestion is between 92-95 degrees Fahrenheit. This is why responsible gecko owners need to monitor how their leo poops regularly. Sign up for our newsletter. This condition can be fatal if not treated immediately, and it is best to visit the vet ASAP. Note: you can give your leopard gecko olive oil coupled with warm baths for your gecko. This is because if you leave it untreated, it can cause the death of your leopard geckos as it will die from starvation or other complications. I received some feedback this week from one of my followers who has recently switched her impacted leopard gecko from sand substrate to vinyl substrate, and I wanted to share her email to everyone else who comes across my blog. Hand feed your gecko or place their food in a shallow dish to avoid the accidental ingestion of substrates. This is abnormal in leopard geckos and secondary to multiple retained sheds on the digits from low humidity. Your Gecko may pee on you because she is scared of you, and feels that you may be a predator. Watery or smeared stools are abnormal, especially with undigested insects. How To Treat Leopard Gecko Impaction? If you see leopard geckos biting each other’s tail, that is a sign of dominance. We hope this information helps you understand some common diseases of leopard geckos. UniquePetsWiki is compensated for referring traffic and business to amz. There are lots of common symptoms to indicate that your leopard gecko is impacted. Is Your Pet in Pain? “Leopard Gecko History and Care Recommendations”. After 10 years of owning Leopard Geckos, I figured I'd put together a little list of life hacks/tips! I keep the cage at a temperate of about 90-92 on the hot side, plus a heat mat on the bottom of the cage. Treatment generally takes several months so make sure the owner is committed. Sometimes leopard geckos fight (even two females). You should also note the amount of food that you give your gecko. As a suggestion, we would recommend you to get a good leopard gecko book. Gently put a drop of olive oil in the front of your leopard geckos mouth. One of the body functions of living organisms is pooping, and this includes the leopard geckos. If you also feed your crested gecko any feeder insects, the poop will be larger, smell stronger, and can have some bug parts in them. Please help. It’s not that they poop less as they get older because of digestive reasons, but the more they grow, the less you will likely find yourself feeding them and because of this, there will be less pooping going on. For more information about the husbandry and care of leopard geckos, go to: “Leopard Gecko History and Care Recommendations”. Adult will defecate as often as every day, but more usually – once in every 2-3 days. Leopard gecko impaction is a health condition where a fecal mass or indigestible material blocks your gecko’s stomach. If she is new, give her time to adjust. If you find that your gecko is pooping in multiple corners or all over the place, then don’t worry, they just need to be trained a little bit. Impaction is a common health condition of leopard geckos. He's eating fine and has water available 24/7. Again, these are rough estimates because not every leopard gecko eats and poops the same, but this is kind of what you can expect from leopard geckos of all ages. If you have a healthy leopard gecko, then you will easily notice this when your gecko poops. Some of the ways that you can use to avoid gut impaction are stated below. You can also pinch the skin and see if it goes back to normal after you release it. The act of shedding is not a big deal for your leopard gecko, believe it or not. So, and I know this is a big no no but I syringe feed her when she won’t eat. As retained sheds build up they progressively restrict blood circulation and avascular necrosis develops. Furthermore, the body temperature of leopard geckos has a direct effect on their metabolism. Other Signs of an Overweight Leopard Gecko . Weighing your leopard gecko can help you identify if your gecko is a healthy weight. Only what looks like a vein, and a small dot mid-upper body. The tail should be nice and thick but not wider than the gecko's head. Leopard geckos are small-sized animals, which means their mouth is not big. I hope so – because I don’t mind all the lizards, or their poop, if they are eating bugs. Leopard gecko impaction is a health condition that occurs when a fecal mass or indigestible material blocks your leopard gecko’s stomach. Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD): this is a health problem where your leopard geckos will have limbs that look rubbery and have difficulty walking. You will notice other signs listed above if the impaction continues. Some leopard geckos will poop just a few times each week. Diseases that Can Lead to Heatstroke in Dogs, What You Should Know About Flea Product Toxicity in Dogs and Cats, What You Should Know About Lily Toxicity in Cats, Two Important Tips for Taking Radiographs in Your Practice. When Do You Need A VET? The body of a leopard gecko is always growing, and … Leopard geckos will try to dominate and tail biting is a warning sign. The best way to prevent this is by avoiding the use of loose substrate in your gecko’s tank. I just wanted to know if this was normal, and what I can do to prevent it? Do leopard geckos poop every day? Some of the other common health diseases of leopard geckos are stated below. Another early sign is a lack of appetite as your leopard geckos will not eat if it is not pooping. For any copyright requests, please reach Eric (Content manager) via eric.uniquepetswiki@gmail.com. This can happen if you are not giving your leopard gecko the required calcium in their diet. So it’s important to separate them if they are fighting. However, if you feed them with something bigger than that, it can cause impaction. Signs of a dehydrated leopard gecko include sunken eyes, folded or wrinkly skin, not pooping or pooping with small/or without any urates. A healthy leopard gecko has a big appetite and will eat insects that wriggles in front of them. It results in retained hemipenal casts, impaired shedding and eye problems. I feed my gecko everyday (small crickets) and it has plenty of water. This can then make leopard gecko to digest their food improperly. Some of the causes of impaction in leopard geckos are stated below. Adult leopard geckos should produce a decent-sized poop once every 1-2 days. Only use fine-grained sand as substrates. Parasites infections can make your gecko sick, and you can only tell by taking the feces sample to the vet for an examination.Â. Aliza says: April 7, 2018 at 10:40 pm . Two males should never be housed together. Babies, up until the age of 1 year may poop 2-3 times per day as their metabolism is much faster. Cloacal or colonic prolapse are sometimes a consequence of intestinal obstruction. A single egg is cause for radiographs, and a celiotomy is indicated for egg retention. Her natural reaction is fear until she is conditioned to trust you. It is a natural part of life for them. Baths are always comfortable, stress-free, and can easily treat leopard gecko impaction. Parasites infections: this is a health issue where parasites live inside your leopard gecko to breed, feed, and grow. However, if they fail, you can then decide to head to a vet as fast as possible. It is 3-5 months old (not certain) but she is almost 5.5 inches. So, I don't think it digested it all the way. Impaction can lead to organ failure if it is not treated immediately. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I just spend another 10 minutes gently rubbing my leopard geckos stomach. Always be careful when administering oil, and do not let it get into your gecko nostrils. This can then cause an impaction if the food is not digested efficiently. Smooth gravel is an appropriate substrate as long as it’s large enough that they can’t eat it. Leopard geckos have to poop like every other living creature, but they also have to know that it’s unacceptable to do it while we’re handling them. Always monitor your leo during the bath to avoid water asphyxiation. But first, I wanted to acknowledge that knowing which substrate to use for leopard geckos… Leopard gecko impaction can be very serious, and you need to prevent it from happening at all costs. Yes, some Leopard Geckos do poop … This condition is easily avoided by providing a moist hide/nest box.  Retained sheds can be carefully removed after soaking on damp paper towels or the toes may need to be amputated under local or general anesthesia. The leopard gecko, also known as Eublepharis macularius, is native to south central Asia from southern Afghanistan, throughout Pakistan and northwestern India.For more information about the husbandry and care of leopard geckos, go to: “Leopard Gecko History and Care Recommendations”. The first sign that you will notice if your gecko is impacted is constipation and if you are cleaning your leopard geckos poops daily, you will easily notice it. You can take your leopard gecko to a vet and they can put some topical ointment on them or give them some antibiotics. Adult leopard geckos can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length and weigh between 60 grams and 90 grams. ... my leopard gecko sunny’s poop has a white spot and in the middle of the white spot there is a light brown spot then there is the normal dark brown part. My leopard gecko won't eat, come out of his hide and or poop. I've had my gecko for about 10 months . This is because if it is left untreated, it can lead to your beloved pet’s fatal death. I am the owner of this website.Welcome to uniquepetswiki.comI hope the website is useful to you. Shedding problems: it is also known as dysecdysis, and it is the situation where your gecko is unable to shed their whole skin completely. Females are lighter, sometimes as light as 45 grams. Other Common Health Issues In Leopard Geckos. Leopard Geckos can be affected by a variety of conditions and below are the most common. Furthermore, your gecko can swallow a few pieces of these loose materials when eating, and they can’t digest them.