No matter what methods you use to keep the distance minimal, you should never be away from your french bulldog for too long. Do French Bulldogs Need To Be Groomed? Including the bed, and anything that could be ripped open he’d do it. (If So, How Often? In the beginning, it shouldn’t be longer than a few minutes. Depending on the dog, the separation anxiety may be mild where he only cries a little, or it can be serious separation anxiety that causes the dog to pace restlessly, bark constantly, and even destroy furniture, doors, or other property. Whether the dog has separation anxiety, has a weak bladder, or is just in need of exercise, the amount of hours that’s too many depends on the dog and how he reacts to being alone. In most cases, that is true, but when the dog has to go, he’ll eventually go. Anything after 8 hours is considered a long time for a dog, but dogs tend to adjust almost as though they have their own internal clock. The Standard size is perfect for Chachi who is 6 months old and maybe 18 pounds right now. As wonderful pets and companions as French Bulldogs can be, if your lifestyle is such that you can’t avoid being gone for long stretches of time, you may want to reconsider getting a French Bulldog at this time or hiring professionals for assistance. This bed on Amazon is the one we ended up with. Another option is to speak with your veterinarian. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be loose with your regimens and practices. However, you might want to invest in toys that are bigger in size. They are not used to being home alone. My dog Chachi is a Puggle/Frenchie mix. All rights reserved. Yes, you can walk a French Bulldog too much, and it can be dangerous. The early stages after we brought him home someone was always with him. If your dog suffers from severe separation anxiety, you may want to hire someone to come in and assist you with the dog when you’re gone. You can find them right here on our French Bulldog page. What Could Happen If the Dog Is Left Alone? Ideally, adult dogs shouldn’t be left alone for more than 4 hours. I’d say this is the biggest comfort item for him. Don’t Leave Your Female Alone Outside. According to AVMA Journals, dogs that are owned by a single adult human are 2.5 times more likely to develop this. Finally, when you get back at home, your dog might suddenly become too hyperactive when they see you. © 2021 TrendingBreeds. That’s how dependent they can be on their owners. Not specific to a French Bulldog but the continuity of feeding times is important to your little friend. Although it’s not ideal, it can be done. When bad behavior is rewarded, it’s repeated. However, with training, patience, and consistency, you may be able to get the dog to where he’ll accept being alone. According to Plos One, dog behavior can vary depending on the genetic makeup of the actual dog. Access special offers, exclusive content, and receive tips on caring for & training your pup. Speaking generally, French bulldogs can be left alone for approximately a few hours a day. Separation anxiety and French bulldog backpack carrier. They have trouble with their bladder and have to urinate more, they may accidentally hurt themselves, etc. We got the one Jamie recommended in the crate section here. Also, if you want to leave your dog in the yard while you’re out, you may also scatter some dog treats outside. They can take up to two years to fully mentally mature, and will require a huge amount of attention and patience. But even if their primary needs are met, you should not leave … As an Amazon Associate, earns from qualifying purchases. Very happy with it. However, the older the dog, the more relaxed and trained they will be, and that longer limit could get extended. They have to urinate much more than an adult dog and can easily develop separation anxiety as a result. For this breed especially, if you need to be away a long time, you might look into other avenues to give your dog some company. Even though this is the last option for you to consider, it can be a great one since most dogs enjoy being around other dogs. This will decrease the chances of it giving you trouble whenever you want to leave the house. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'anythingfrenchbulldog_com-box-4','ezslot_3',106,'0','0']));This can be an even better option but you still have to consider the type of work you do. Make sure that you are looking at a daycare that is well kept and professional. Make sure that you’re also well informed on your dog’s behavior in front of strangers, children, and other things. It will be great to leave the dog with things to do so that it won’t get bored or worried. However, how long can you walk a French Bulldog should be treated with caution. Take the puppy’s age in months and add one. Dogs love them because they can be stuffed with treats. Eight hours is a long time even with an adult dog, but if the dog has had some training, he will generally get better with time. A female French Bulldog will release pheromones when she goes into heat. They also need to do their business and eat. Our Frenchie guidebook, The Owner’s Guide To The Perfect French Bulldog covers it all. Try to keep the distance or time away under 2 hours every day. What we seldom teach our puppies is how to deal with separation. If you can’t avoid being gone from home for many hours, you may find it beneficial to hire pet-sitting or pet-walking agencies to assist you in taking care of your French Bulldog. If you love giving your dog affection and attention when you get home, it might be hard to just ignore it when you leave or when you get back home. This is a perfectly normal behavior. You don’t want to bring your french bulldog to work just so that someone else can babysit it too. A little noisy. Unfortunately, some dogs never completely get over separation anxiety. Therefore, if you’re a busy person, buying a French bulldogs puppy will not be a good ides. Avoid the frustration, lost time, and wasted money that comes with not knowing how to properly and easily care for your Frenchie.