Nose. Trituration. Spasmodic affections, cramps and convulsions. Natural History. Delirium. 99. Types of whooping cough. Weakness and paralysis of the hand. Violent periodical vomitings, mitigated by drinking. External, burning shootings, in the side of the forehead, in the temples, and in the vertex. Burning sensation in the soles of the feet. Homeopathic Remedy: Cuprum Metallicum, Used For: Cramps Of Digits. The mental picture of Cuprum metallicum is relatively unknown to most homoeopaths. Tonic spasms of thumbs. Our remedies are produced on demand. Difficult dentition in children, with convulsions. Swelling of the hand, with inflammation of a lymphatic vessel extending to the shoulder. Urinary Organs. Eyes closed (weak and dim). Outward appearance of the face bluish, bluish red. Spasmodic convulsions, beginning in fingers and toes, violent, contractive, and with intermittent pain. Stomach. English ≡ Log on / Register Basket Empty ≡ Homeopathic Remedy Store ← Cuprum Metallicum. Cuprum Metallicum Cuprum Metallicum materia medica and complete drug picture of homeopathy remedy Cuprum Metallicum. Cramping of the respiratory system may present as types of asthma or spasmodic cough. Burning sensation in the mouth. 1,603. Share. Mackechnie reports the case of a boy who became epileptic after being locked up in school. is a remedy for overstimulated nervous systems. was now given. Many potencies available. Size: Potency: Add to your Wish List. Cupr. Pain, as from a bruise, in the hypochondria, on the part being touched. Homeopathic Cuprum Metallicum - GENERALITIES indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. Updated March 20, 2020 Homeopathic Remedy Cuprum Metallicum (Cupr) Outbursts, spasms or convulsions break the rigidity and suppression. Cuprum Metallicum (common name copper) is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to treat leg cramps, muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, leg cramps during pregnancy, foot cramps during pregnancy, cramping pains, coughs, spasmodic coughs, asthma attacks, … Singultus and spasm of the esophagus. Contact Us. Pain, as from a bruise in several places, especially in the joints and in the limbs. Thus Guernsey. Extremely closed from rigid control of emotions or symptoms. All items are non-returnable and non-refundable once shipped. Cuprum Metallicum - Copper. This applies, of course, to Shiverings after attacks of epilepsy. Larynx, spasm of. Chorea. AFFORDABLE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, REMEDY KITS, CELL SALTS, COMBINATION REMEDIES, GEMMOS, SARCODES, OLIGOTHERAPY, NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS & MORE! Convulsions after suppression of skin eruptions or foot sweat. Cuprum Metallicum (Cupr.) Violent vomitings, with pressure in the stomach, cramps in the abdomen, diarrhea, and convulsions. Pressive tearings or startings in the limbs. In the knee-joint weakness, pain as if broken. I have always used the metal instead of the acetate, because I used the potencies, and it acted promptly. Gastric disturbance. Cuprum Metallicum 1M Homeopathic Remedy - 200 Pellets. After-pains. Only 10 left in stock - order soon. For advice on specific ailments please email us.Please select your size and whether you would like pillules, drops or … Note: If symptoms persist consult doctor. Suppression of sweat in the feet. These may include arrhythmia , angina, and other conditions. Face. Convulsions in the fingers, particularly which begin in the fingers and toes, then spreading all over the body, spasms clonic. Asthma increases (at three AM) when bending the body backwards, when coughing, when laughing. English ≡ Log on / Register Basket Empty ≡ Homeopathic Remedy Store ← Cuprum Metallicum. Remedy Name (e.g. Spasmodic distortion of the muscles of the face. For a time the attacks continued severe, but gradually improvement set in, and in less than three months they ceased altogether. Tensive pain and cramps in the calves of the legs. The original idea of those who proposed the substitution of the latter for the former was based on the supposition that the acetate of copper is … Menses not appearing after suppression of foot-sweat. Homeopathic Medicine. Cuprum metallicum quickly cures this discomfort. In cholera, cholera morbus, or cholera infantum the cramping pains are sometimes terrible. This is a homeopathic remedy made according to homeopathic principles (dilution and succussion) and has no therapeutic indication. Discussion It was a case having nature’s expression in those areas which were involved in the sin, therefore the convulsive attack started in the fingers. Cramping of the respiratory system may present as types of asthma or spasmodic cough. All Rights Reserved. Painful contraction of the chest, esp., after drinking. Aching of the lower jaw, increased by the touch. Flushes of heat. Available 4C-30C, 200C, 8X-30X, 1M-10M, 30C, 200CH. Spasmodic laughter. Difficulty of respiration, increased by coughing, laughing, throwing back the body, etc., as well as in the night. Aura begins in knees ; Strong, metallic taste of saliva ; Cough at 3 am with constriction of chest ; Dysmenorrhoea with cramps in abdomen and calves; Source: Mineral kingdom Synonyms: Metallic … Constipation, with great heat of body. Chlorosis. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Violent nocturnal perspiration. Remedy Cuprum metallicum (Fincke) 1M Globuli. Mind. The homeopathic remedy Cuprum Metallicum is for cramps, diarrhea, nausea. Another girl, 12, who had recovered from whooping-cough got a kind of chorea from repeated frights on seeing an epileptic. Mania. ... Antipsoric remedy which works from within i., etc.) Clonic spasms. Cuprum metallicum 200, one single dose was prescribed. Cuprum Metallicum 200CK quantity. Affections arising from suppressed skin troubles, especially from acute exanthemata. Mental or bodily exhaustion from over-exertion of mind or loss of sleep. Mackechnie made a brilliant cure of psoriasis in a young girl with Cuprum. Involuntary movements of the limbs, as in St. Vitus’ dance, with redness of the face, distortion of the eyes, of the face, and of the body, tears and anxiety, buffoonery and desire to hide oneself. Hysteria. A punishment from finger to the fingers! Meningitis. Nausea greater than in any other remedy. Neuralgia. Weakened hearts are said to be made stronger by the remedy, and it may also make hearts more durable, decreasing the likelihood of future heart attacks or other problems. 1,677. Cuprum Met 30 Uses, Benefits – Cuprum Metallicum Materia Medica. Chorea brought on by fright. Buy Boiron Cuprum Metallicum 30C, 80 Pellets, Homeopathic Medicine for Leg Cramps and Muscle Cramps on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders He has them in the extremities and in the chest muscles, with tremors and weakness. Limbs. The "anger" in this case and the "ill-humor" in Mossa’s are noteworthy. Lips bluish. Cuprum is also a significant remedy for the behavioural problems of chi… He also says that "a slimy metallic taste in the mouth" is one of the strongest indications for Cupr. Cardialgia. Nux vomica), product number (e.g. ... * Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Charitable Solicitations Registration The arms and hands are bluish marbled. In a second case cured by Schwencke, that of a man, 38, epileptic seven years, a pressive headache preceded the attacks, ascending from nape to forehead, then there was profuse salivation, head turned to left, eyes closed, tongue in active motion in open mouth, trunk arched upward, slight spasms of right arm outward. The patient Cuprum metallicum is full of cramps. Respiratory Organs. Sleep. Violent fluent coryza. This agent produces a burning and constriction in the throat, an increased flow of salvia, burning in the region of the stomach with griping, … Sensation of heaviness in the axillary glands. People with certain medical conditions, such as Wilson’s disease, copper toxicosis, and cirrhosis should avoid using it. Cold air and cold wind worse, cold drinks better (colic, cough, etc.). ESSENCE Because CCC is a mixture of Carcinosinum (15T) and Cuprum metallicum we have to consider both remedies. Fainting. Sleeplessness. Nux-v., Phos., Coloc., Camph., Sec., Verat., Arn., Apis., Zinc., Puls., Ars. Follow-up Within a few days skin eruptions re-appeared and disgust feeling of masturbation gradually reduced. Ulcers. Restless tossing all night. Cuprum Metallicum materia medica and complete drug picture of homeopathy remedy Cuprum Metallicum. Boring pain in and behind the ear. Drawing pains from left hypochondrium to the hip. Paralysis of isolated muscles. Greater immobility of the pupils. Tonic and clonic spasms.      " Therefore, we may not be able to fill orders. Dyspnea. Compare: Other Copper preparations, Calc. Palpitation. Eruptions. Maliciousness is an indication for Cupr. has pains like knife-thrusts, worse on least motion, take away the breath, thinks he must die if they last.