After eating, she would put her face up in the air and take short, quick inhales while “licking” the air. My dog was fixed today, had his declaws removed and his teeth cleaned. If in doubt when your dog is acting oddly, always get them seen by a vet. I called the vet. The next day she seemed to be fine, as she had recovered from anesthesia fairly well, she didn't even throw up. She was laying down with my boyfriend and I while we were watching tv and relaxing. Until it does, everything will seem a little strange and unfamiliar to him, which is why you're seeing the different behaviour such as the growling and the nervousness. My dog (an 8 month old min pin/chihuahua mix) finally got spayed last monday (July 12th), and at first she did nothing out of the expected; lack of appetite, sleepy, thirsty. From what you are describing hun, it sounds as if he is still suffering from the after-effects of the anaesthetic - this can take quite a time to wear off. Before your dog undergoes surgery, your veterinarian performs a pre-anesthetic evaluation. Mine even threw up yellow/white stuff, and had what sounded like an asthma attacked. Some dogs will be disoriented after anesthesia and this can be normal, but to pick the dog up with her acting normally and then become disoriented is a little bit of a mystery and doesnt make as much sense. That includes taking his cardiac, respiratory and musculoskeletal state into consideration, along with the type of procedure and the approximate time length of the operation. Infection or Abscess. The anesthesia machine is used to deliver an inhalant anesthetic in oxygen and other gases. It could be a reaction to the drugs that were used. Soon after vaccination (usually minutes to hours), a dog undergoing anaphylaxis typically develops hives, itchiness, facial swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or difficulty breathing. And if your pet had a procedure and underwent anesthesia, that can have a constipating effect as well. A neighbor takes the dog in, but they feed the dog strange food at different times of the day. The effect of anesthesia on your dog's nervous system creates the unsteady gait you notice when you pick your dog up from the vet. I had forgotten a very strange behavior that she did a few times a few months back. If you’ve ever had anesthesia, you likely felt the same way. He is acting funny too. I really think it is the anesthesia, which seems like maybe the same for yours. Because Rover may have poor depth perception and trouble walking, it's best to confine him to a safe, quiet area for several hours. General anesthesia is often begun by giving a short-acting anesthetic agent IV. You may also have seen videos of kids or adults waking up from anesthesia, after dentistry or surgery, and they say the weirdest or funniest things – which they don’t even remember later. It scared me and I looked it up. Since dogs don’t understand what’s happening, it causes anxiety. Nothing is familiar and the dog feels confused and alarmed. Some dogs don’t like to potty on a leash, or are only taken out 2-3 times a day. As soon as the pet loses consciousness, a soft plastic tube (endotracheal tube or ET tube) is inserted into the windpipe and is connected to an anesthesia machine. Some cats sleep in the litter box as a way to “hide” and don’t use it. Your vet then tailors a specific anesthesia … Animals who are hospitalized often are not eating or eliminating on regular schedules. How to React to Dysphoria in Dogs: If the dog has recently started a new medication, phone the vet for advice. The same behavior she showed that night matched a YouTube of other dogs doing it and they were diagnosed with acid reflux.