As it is, we do monthly water changes and sludge vacuums. What I’m trying to say: if you find one dead fish, you probably don’t have to worry. You could also utilize a plecostomus at the bottom of your tank that will peacefully take care of any algae or insect larvae left behind by your other fish. A dead fish flushed into a non-native habitat could harm native marine life. The koi will not eat the small fish but the small fish will eat the mosquito larva which the koi will not eat. As a matter of fact, I’m not even sure that Koi play in any manner, and as far as jumping after bugs, it is rare to ever see a Koi or goldfish do this. Check your local laws to make sure they'll allow you to bury a pet fish. The frog had to be prised off the fish, I assume it was attempting to … If you’ve got many fish that you did not all buy at the same time, you’ll regularly find one that has passed away. goldfish and koi. They are just taking the opportunity to have a fresh meal. Some other species of fish do however jump out of the water to catch bugs, such as the Golden Orfe. If the fish is large, burial is usually best. At its root, living things feed on another living thing’s death. Obviously, dead fish don't swim. My big black koi (Blue), my big spotted koi (Zest), my big white koi (Falcor), and my big fantail, Georgina. With an average of 3 to 5 years, small tropical fish do not live very long. Dispose of a dead fish in the garbage or bury them outside. Larger fish like goldfish or cichlids live longer lives. koi will readily eat slugs (mine do) but their is a risk because you dont know what the slugs have eaten. We have a fairly large koi pond- 6,500+ gallons (about 24,000L) -with several koi and a few small (12") catfish that can potentially grow large. As soon as a fish dies, the other fish in the tank will begin feasting on their former friend. Okay, so I need an algae eater!” A visit to the fish store reveals an entire world of algae eaters. Koi do not eat a large amount of mosquito larvae, so combining them with these other fish species would ensure you keep pest numbers under control. He netted it (a koi about 8 inches long) and on its back was a large frog. best to store them for a few days with some lettuce to eat just so you know wot they have eaten before feeding to koi. I am so upset today, I went outside and discovered FOUR dead fish in my koi pond. Also, a few weeks ago, I lost Cleo, a huge … If they are OK in a few days , your water is tested and you can put in koi . Oh, algae! The salesperson steers you, oddly enough, away from the fish labeled “algae eaters,” explaining that they get kind of big, don’t eat algae when they get big, and can kill your fish. So yes, if you starve most fish long enough, they’ll eat dead tankmates. Whether it is fried chicken or collard greens, they died to feed you… and they’re delicious together! Today he was in the garden when he saw a fish rolling around in the pond. Georgina was the only one left from my original batch of fish almost three years ago. Don't assume they murdered their former tank mate. In most cases, fish jump for all of the same possible reasons as listed above under … It's not personal; it's nature. What do you mean my tank has allergies?! Don't flush the fish down the toilet. Dead Fish . I would like to throw some large, local crayfish into it it help eat the detritus that the fish won't eat. You may get a green water algae bloom until the floating plants out-compete the algae for nutrients ( do not use algeacide). Lately he has found a couple of the bigger koi dead for no apparent reason.