Pet Educate is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Native to South America, the Red-footed tortoise is average in size with an omnivorous diet. Promotes muscle growth and contraction, nerve transmission. Some tortoise owners will tell you that You can also feed them fruits, including berries, bananas and apples less frequently. Okay, i was wondering, can Sulcata Tortoises eat apples, or are they toxic for them? If you’re concerned about the health of your pet you should seek medical advice from a vet. The seeds of other fruits, outside of just apples, should be off-limits too. Yes, turtles can eat grapes. Can tortoises eat oranges? There are species who eat fruit, but a Horsfield (Russian) isn't one of them. You should never cook cook apples for your tortoises. However, apples should only be a part of a red-footed tortoise balanced diet. These fruits should only be offered in moderation as part of a … Minerals are very important especially in the growth and development of the juvenile tortoises. Proteins, on the other hand, should not be a major ingredient in the food of a tortoise, a tortoise is not well adapted to digest proteins, too much protein will result in high urea and uric acid production which require a lot of water to excrete from the body. Carefully balanced mineral levels including the Calcium/Phosphorus/Vitamin D3 triad. So back to our original question; can a tortoise eat apples? You should avoid citrus such as oranges and lemons. The answer is yes, with a couple of precautions. All tortoises need pesticide- and herbicide-free forage … Food that is dangerous to tortoises Vitamins are generally divided into two, water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. That’s why we started this blog. Banana sticks too the mouth areas of tortoises and rots thus leading to complications. Moreover, tortoises shouldn’t just be provided with soft leaves to consume as it does not encourage any wear on … In one sense, this is a good thing, but it does mean that you will have to be vigilant and ensure that whatever they ingest is safe for them to consume. We also offer their accessories. Pieces of apple can stick to different areas in the tortoise’s mouth and decay over time. If you love budgies like we do, you must be very cautious about what you feed them. [What Does It Mean?]. Its also good to get your tortoise accustomed to eating apples in different ways, which include: Your pet tortoise may not mind how apples are served to him, but some are fussy and may want the fruit served to them in a particular way. Turtles are able to eat apples however they should only be given these on rare occasions if not at all. These tortoises are herbivores, and their diet must consist of primarily dark, leafy greens. Back to top #2 Guest_cyberangel_* Guest_cyberangel_* Guests Posted 22 March 2010 - 09:09 PM. Apples, pears, plums, tomatoes and beets are cut into small pieces, but ripe bananas can be given entirely (small turtles – without peel, large – along with the skin). The flesh of most fruits are often suitable for your tortoise to eat, just not the seeds. However, there are certain things you must take care of. You can either leave a bone in his housing and have him self regulate how … The table below shows a list of the vitamins and their importance in the body of a tortoise. They will enjoy trying the different vegetables and fruits on offer. 0 0. The recommended protein levels should be about 15% to 35% of the dry matter. Apples provide minerals, vitamins, and water to tortoises. Budgies can... Can Budgies Eat Watermelon? While there is some things you need to be aware of and consider, they are not reasons to prevent giving your tortoise an apple as a treat. Thanks for that . Too many apples can lead to health implications especially due to the high sugar content of apples. Yes, the red-footed tortoise can eat apples. Can Tortoises Eat Apples. Secondly, calcium and phosphorus react to form calcium phosphate which is insoluble and reduces the amounts of calcium available for absorption. What do baby tortoises eat? Apples should, however, be fed in moderation as they have a high sugar content that will affect the tortoise health negatively if fed in excess. Favorite Answer. to their pet. Learn more about Sulcata Tortoise Care Here. One of the ways of ensuring that your tort is hydrated besides offering water in a bowl is feeding them food that has high water content. To give tons of good advice and make that aspiration a reality everywhere. So, I THANK YOU for checking us out and we hope you do so more and more. They are used to dry, hot regions, and have developed hardiness and an ability to adapt to most environments. Tortoises can eat apples most specifically the rain forest tortoise whose diet should have 30% fruit. As a matter of fact the recommended ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 2:1 or 1:1 respectively. their pet eats all the apple, including the seeds, and it hasn’t done any harm However, some species of tortoise should not eat any fruit at all, but must eat certain weeds because of their low sugar content. Fifthly, another concern for owners feeding apples too frequently is beak rot. Our answers are well researched to make sure we offer the best information to our customers and readers. Box turtles enjoy sweet fruits like strawberries, apples and cantaloupe, and vegetables like beets, cucumbers and carrots. Importance of calcium in tortoise includes. Our aim is to provide the reader with information to enable them to make a good decision when making a purchase or caring for their pet. The advantage of these vitamins over fat-soluble vitamins is the fact that they can never cause health complications when in excess since they get excreted via urine. Just dont feed him a whole apple, as thats a bad idea. You can feed them celery once in a week. 100% FREE easy care guide, works for any Horsefield Tortoise. Apples provide minerals, vitamins, and water to tortoises. In addition to the lists below they can occasionally eat animal protein such as mice, rats, and chicks. The only … Can red foot tortoise eat apples? I have kept up a passion for ensuring that ALL ANIMALS ARE AS HAPPY AND FULFILLED AS THEY CAN BE. Fruits include melons, grapes and bananas. In captivity, they need their diet to consist of mostly dark, leafy greens. Feeding a pet tortoise can be somewhat confusing; there is a lot of conflicting information and it can be difficult to know what is safe and preferable. What about apples? Its an important consideration as an owner; you need to know what species you have and plan accordingly. Yes, sulcata tortoise can also eat apples. Apples has a high sugar content just like most other fruits, Given that a tortoise digestive system is not adapted to digesting starch excluding the rainforest tortoise. It is not worth the risk of your pet choking or developing cyanide poisoning. Most grocery stores have a decent selection of greens that tortoises can eat, ideally with the greens being organic and pesticide-free. The shell of a tortoise is primarily made up of minerals, therefore, without these minerals the growth and development of the tortoise would be stunted or they would suffer from poor shell development. However, whether your tortoise can depends on the species. Feed them on a grassy surface, concrete, flat rock or from a tray. Back to top #3 Guest_akaha_* Guest_akaha_* Guests Posted 22 March 2010 - 09:15 PM. The nutrional value of 100 grams of apples. Prickly pears, pineapples and other hard or sharp-skinned fruit should have the skins removed, before they are given to the tortoise. Take out any seeds first. You also need to be particularly careful with apple seeds, as this can easily lead to cyanide poisoning which can prove fatal. Make sure that you wash the skin and that it is free from pesticides as the toxins can make your tortoise very sick. You can also offer sweet desert apple, in sliced small amounts. For such tortoise, you should feed apples moderately since their digestive system is not used to digesting starch. Moreover, apple seeds contain cyanide at significant does to small animals. The second category of vitamins is water-soluble vitamins. Tortoise that are fed a balnced diet have near zero chances of suffering from these complications. What do desert tortoises eat in captivity? For instance, they should only be fed pesticide free apples that are raw and contain no seeds! There are several calcium supplements available online that can be supplemented in the diet through dusting. Simply put, yes, it is safe for tortoises to eat cucumber. Russian Tortoise FAQ's [The Top 13 Most Asked Questions In 2021] It is a tasty treat that offers variety, vitamins and minerals. Just like the Mazuri feed on Amazon. Other minerals are considered as miscellaneous as they are needed in trace amounts. Pet Educate strives to be the definitive online resource to help you learn everything that you need to know. The problem is that bananas and similar plant material causes beak rot in many tortoises. In large amounts this is difficult for a tortoise to process and they can start to become fussy eaters seeking fruit over their more balanced feed. However, vegetables like celery rich in oxalic acid can harm the tortoise’s health in the long run. You should avoid overfeeding apples to your tortoise. Even among animals apples are a delicacy. As they are herbivores animals and they grow best when provided the plant diet. Most vets warn against feeding an all seeds diet to your bird as seeds are nutritionally poor.... We are passionate about pets. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. Thirdly, you should only offer apples that are organic free from pesticides as this can cause stomach upset and other health issues. Most tortoise species can eat apples, and enjoy doing so. just a quick question can my hermans eat apples ???? does not provide veterinary advice. While this all sounds pretty precarious, in reality apples do not pose a health risk to most species of tortoise. Choose a variety of leafy greens and grasses to feed your pet. Free: " H orsefield Care Cheat Sheet " Downloadable Guide. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to A desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) diet is comprised mainly of safe grasses and weeds, leafy greens, with small amounts of hard vegetables and moist fruits. Melons, grapes, oranges, apples, berries, mango and tomatoes can all be eaten. Below is research we did to find out whether they should be eating celery. What fruits can a red-footed tortoise eat? Even though this fruit is a good treat for tortoises, you have to be careful with the species you have and how much you feed. They can eat most fruits, including apples; however, fruits must only make up 10% of their overall diet. 360 VR Galapagos Tortoises Attacking Watermelons. Anonymous. Tortoises like watermelon, but make sure to reserve it as a treat. Remember to dust their food with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements. The unripe fruit would be toxic and thus, it would be better to avoid in the unripe form. We had a family dog, a cat, and various forms of poultry, including duck and chicks. But if you have pets especially tortoises, you might wonder whether succulents are edible or safe for your pets. The main purpose of adding cucumbers to a tortoise meal is that most of them enjoy the delicious taste and coolness of this vegetable. Apples should serve as part of a balanced diet rather than being fed entirely. Secondly, you should never feed your tortoise apple in too high a quantity or frequency as apples are naturally high in sugar. A tortoise's diet should replicate wild foraging. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, 30% Fruits, and small amount of animal proteins, Limit or avoid: Vegetables, salads, Fruits, link to Can Budgies Eat Celery? List of Food Tortoises Can Eat. This attitude is unhelpful, especially when you consider the very Red-footed tortoise. I grew up in a pet family. For the most part, it doesn’t make them unwell. In this post, we will be talking about the plants that are safe and not safe for tortoises. Monitoring them at all times and restricting access to areas is essential. 2K views View 5 Upvoters However, not all tortoise keepers have access to “ideal” food, so knowing whats safe for your tortoise will help you develop a good diet for him. If you are wondering can tortoises eat tomatoes then it would be interesting for you to know the answer that Yes they can! The truth is that most species of tortoise, being omnivores, can eat apples without any negative consequences to their health. However, tortoise still needs some percentage of its dry matter food to have some proteins. Commercial forest tortoise diets are available to buy for good prices on Amazon for these tortoises. Obviously, not all succulents or plants are edible for pets. A Tortoise can eat apples most specifically the rain forest tortoise whose diet should have 30% fruits. Feed 70% weeds flowering plants and other greens. Fat-soluble vitamins are made of vitamins that require fats so as to absorb into the body they include vitamins A and K. Vitamin A is very crucial towards the growth and development of the tortoise as it is involved in several bodily functions. We run a pet shop that deals with pets such as snakes, reptiles, amphibians, Ornamental fish and plants, dogs which are our biggest stock, birds. Apples, banana, fig, strawberries, and melons are all good choices. They can eat fruit, including apples, but only in moderation (5-10%). We started this site to share Answers to most of the questions we face ourselves plus questions we are asked daily by our customers. Apples are good for them to eat; however, fruit, in general, should only make up about 15% of their overall diet. We are pet enthusiasts and love sharing everything that we learn about them! Supplement greens with smaller quantities of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, and carrots, apples, apricots, grapes, melons, peaches, and strawberries. Tomatoes would be nutritious for the health of your pet but … thanks! Feliz Pets is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. We also participate in programs from eBay, CJ, Bluehost, Clickbank, ShareASale, and other sites. You can also provide pelleted feed, but be sure to opt for a high quality, high fiber option that is abundant in vitamins and minerals. Being herbivores tortoise need a lot of fiber in their diet so as to survive, theerefore foods that does not provide lots of fiber in to the tortoise should only be used a treat rather than as a staple food. So, can a tortoise eat apple? and if they can eat apples, is any part of the apple toxic for them, or should be avoided? Far from it. [Does It Differ Between Species? Apple - posted in Hermann Tortoise: Hi all, Please can you help, I was eating an apple the other day and my tortoise had some and absolutely loved it, it was almost like she was begging for more, is this safe for me to give to her as a treat now and again or is it a big NO NO?? Phosphorus is readily available in most foods that tortoise eat and does not need to be supplemented, however, calcium needs to be supplemented. In fact, thats the only fruit you can feed them more than once a month. When painted turtles are grown up, they can be fed on alternate days. These things are dangerous, and we must make sure that they don’t consume these objects. Fruit is an important part of a tortoise's diet, but equally important is limiting the amount they … Tortoise can eat the following fruits as part of a balanced diet Berries, melon, kiwi, bananas, watermelon, figs, mangoes, papaya, apples, blackberries, strawberries, plums, apricot, blueberries, raspberries and peaches. Many tortoises have insatiable appetites and will eat anything that looks interesting and is available. If you let them freely roam, this could include coins, toys, batteries. Lv 4. To answer that question among others I did some research, Below I share my findings. It is interesting to discover how they like to eat their apple. [FEEDING GUIDE], link to Can Budgies Eat Watermelon? They also like to eat insects such as flies, crickets and spiders. With that said, you must be aware of the following factors when feeding apples. Apples are fruit so a no no for med tortoises. This can cause severe issue with your tortoise’s digestive system, making them very sick. Just like minerals vitamins play a very important role in the growth and development of tortoise. Apples -- NO SEEDS Tortoises, especially female tortoises and hatchlings, need calcium, so you can sprinkle tortoise food with calcium carbonate or feed us boiled crushed chicken egg shells. can tortoise eat apple skin? High fiber level- More than enough dietary fiber to serve as either the main or the sole food item of your tortoise's diet. Apples: Prickly pear cactus apples: Papaya . Fruits can be offered, but only as a treat and should only make up around 20% of their diet. 1 decade ago. You should also remember … We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. But there are some variety of succulents that are safe for the … If you do choose to feed apples to your turtle there are a few things to consider beforehand. Elongated tortoises (Indotestudo elongata). That being said, due to the high sugar content, apples should only be fed in moderation. Kindly stop by much often for more pet related information. Yes, a tortoise can eat apple skin as long as it is pesticide-free. Fruit eating tortoises can eat melon, raspberries, blackberries and grapes. When the concentration of phosphorus is higher than calcium in the food, phosphorus will hinder the absorption of calcium through two methods. Some people have reported tortoises eating some lilies with no apparent effects. Gregory. Water-soluble is collectively represented by the vitamin B complex. I loved helping out with these animals. Tortoises require variety and do better on mostly vegetables. Your tortoise and strawberries While the occasional piece of strawberry as a treat will do no harm, a tortoise is likely to suffer from diarrhoea if they eat large amounts of this fruit, with its relatively high sugar content.. Secondly, what plants can Hermann tortoise eat? Russian tortoises are found throughout central Asia. But is it safe for them to eat? Rainforest eats fruits in their natural environment and is used to digesting the high sugar content as opposed to the other torts. When it comes to the peel of the apple, it is perfectly safe for your tortoise to eat so long as it is good quality and safely prepared. a sulcata's digestive system can not handle too much fruit, it needs a high fiber diet of grasses and natural weeds, but you can feed apple … fruitcake. Can sulcata tortoises eat apples? … Hence they should not drink water, tortoise actually needs water on a daily basis. What succulents can tortoises eat? For the most part, it is good to break it down into a more manageable size.