Can Guppies, tropical pet fish eat bannana striaght from the peel? 5 years ago. Guppy is a fish that is omnivorous. Guppies will eat a variety of small invertebrates such as shrimp, jellyfish, worms, slugs, and snails. Please make a list of what they can eat. Whenever your guppies give birth to fry it is best to separate them from the adult fish or the adult guppies (including the parents) will eat the young. Ask Question + 100. Yes you can. I heard you can feed peas to them, by taking the skin off. answer #2. johnarthur. Jennifer Welsh. Blood Worms: Blood worms can be either the larvae of midge flies or a type of worms found in marine waters. Goldfish food can also be somewhat big and difficult for guppies to consume. Guppies are livebearers which means that they give birth to live young. Is it ok for baby guppies to eat night crawlers aka worms. 2 2. 3 0 *mommy to 3 boys* Lv 4. As long it's sizable for their mouths. Preferrably a professional person who knows about fish. Terrible Things Can Happen If You Eat Live Earthworms. You should give the fish as much food as it can eat in 15 minutes. However, you should try to avoid tubifex worms and daphnia, even if recommended to you. I'm very experienced with aquariums, and I fed the fish in my community tank (mainly tetras) the occasional bloodworms. and would it be safe for them? You can also try a Bichir Senegalus. It is common to see these sold either live or as frozen cubes. Basically can you feed guppies ANYTHING from the fridge? Get your answers by asking now. Culling happens when breeding. guppies worms. Small guppies have small mouths which would have difficulty chomping an earthworm. yup! The food that you give to your fish should contain protein. I would say that in a 40 to 50 gallon, you can host a solo red wolf fish. It indicates the ability to send an email. I just toss it into my cichlid or puffer tanks. Another choice would be highly predatory fish. Will they die or get sick from it? Many other types of fish food exist, and fish store employees or other guppy owners may recommend other types of treat. guppies can eat blood worms and fry can eat them too but they need to be crushed up. 1 decade ago. Avoid tubifex worms and live daphnia. Baby Guppies can eat the same kinds of food as adult guppies. I do it with shrimp and guppies. ... and their shells are soft enough that axolotls can eat them. They can range from microscopic mites to gigantic species. Do not overfeed them however, only add as many bloodworms as your guppies can eat in about 60 seconds or so. Guppies can eat goldfish food but it won’t give them any health benefits. Goldfish food is also meant to be for fish that have a main diet of algae and plant-based food. So I was wondering if they would eat small garden insects like ants, cut up worms, spiders, greenfly, etc. This is a good food source for guppies of all ages since invertebrates come in all sizes. Can Guppies Eat Tropical Fish Flakes November 14, 2020 January 23, 2020 by jbarr3tt1979 Guppies are kept in public places and homes around the world to beautify the environment, many people wonder what the right food to give, this post was created to inform you if guppies eat tropical fish flakes . 2012-08-01T19:53:00Z The letter F. An envelope. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 … That is for ensuring that the fish gets plenty of nutrients in order to grow properly. That means they can eat a variety of foods. They can eat the guppies as a treat while you regularly feed them earth worms. (of course as long it's sizable to eat). I have mollies, guppies, neon tetras, cardinal tetras, black neon tetras which all eat live foods. Still have questions? While guppies will eat them enthusiastically, tubifex worms sometimes contain lethal bacteria. Some people who feed earthworms to larger fish feed the worms something to clear all the dirt out of their digestive systems. As it is a tropical fish, it needs a varied diet.