broken blood vessel in the eye. If your eye is uncomfortable or the condition is painful, over-the-counter aspirin-free pain relief medications that are usually safe for you are an option. Symptoms of a broken blood vessel in the eye include a bright red spot in the white of the eye. The most important one is high blood pressure that leads to breakage of small blood vessel. People with lupus, however, have an immune system that functions abnormally by attacking healthy tissue. The treatment you'll need depends on your diagnosis, but in most cases, your doctor can help the blood to fade away relatively quickly, so you'll have clear eyes again. Rubbing the eye can increase the risk of excess bleeding right after onset, so avoid rubbing your eyes for as long as possible. A stroke occurs when blood and oxygen to the brain are cut off, and causes numbness, confusion, and more. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. HOW TO TREAT BROKEN BLOOD VESSEL IN EYE: What you need to do if you have blood in your eye due to broken eye blood vessels. Artificial tears to treat subconjunctival hemorrhage may be prescribed by your ophthalmologist in case you have irritation in eyes along with eye redness. How to Get Rid of a Popped Blood Vessel in Eye. However, if th… Trauma, such as a foreign object injuring your eye, Certain blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) and aspirin. Think of it as a painless bruise on your eye. Again, typically the sight of it is the most startling thing about it, as it normally does not cause any pain, discharge or changes to vision. In spite of its gruesome appearance, a subconjunctival hemorrhage needs to not cause any pain, discharge, or change in your vision. The arrangement of blood vessels at the back of the eye, also known as the retina vasculature, is closely connected to the health of your heart. When a blood vessel becomes inflamed and narrowed, blood supply to that area can become partially or completely blocked, cutting off blood supply to the tissues beyond. If you have recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhages or other bleeding, talk to your doctor. In spite of its gruesome appearance, a subconjunctival hemorrhage should not cause any pain, discharge, or … Broken blood vessels in the eye are painless and you usually won't even know it's happened until you look in the mirror, or someone says your eye looks like it's "bleeding." Often, it stands out dramatically, which alone can be concerning. In: Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology. When they break, blood leaks out and settles between the conjunctiva and the sclera.1 If the leak is small, a part of your eye may just seem a little red. Accessed June 6, 2016. The condition does not typically require treatment and will heal on its own over a week or so. It won’t affect your ability to see and is usually just caused by excessive force, like a bad coughing fit, a big sneeze, throwing up, or rubbing your eye a lot. If the bleeding in your eye has a clearly identifiable cause, such as a bleeding disorder or blood-thinning medication, ask your doctor if you can take any steps to reduce the risk of a subconjunctival hemorrhage. The term hemorrhage refers to the breakage of tiny blood vessels. Veteran Member. 5 years ago. Hemorrhages resolve on their own but can sometimes take weeks to resolve completely. Anonymous . Hi blood pressure is a cause for concern, and one of the causes of broken blood vessels in the eye is high blood pressure. Broken blood vessels occur when a tiny blood vessel bursts under the clear surface area of your eye (also called the conjunctiva). Stroke. One exception is when the eye’s blood vessels keep breaking. These broken blood vessels tend to swell, leak, and bleed excessively, leading to bruising. Joined : Aug 2007. Additionally, if a broken blood vessel occurred after … Eye bleeding typically means bleeding or a broken blood vessel below the outer surface of the eye. The conjunctiva also lines the inside of your eyelid, housing a meshwork of small, thin blood vessels. 7th ed. A subconjunctival hemorrhage happens when a blood vessel leaks or breaks just under the conjunctiva. The redness in the eye from broken blood vessels usually goes away naturally after a week or two. A subconjunctival hemorrhage appears as a bright red or dark red patch on the sclera. The main symptom of burst blood vessels in the eye is a pretty obvious one—seeing a bright red, bloody-looking patch on the white (sclera) of your eye. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding in eye) A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red patch in the white of the eye that can cause mild eye irritation. If your blood is thin from use of blood thinner then may cause easy bruising on your skin and conjunctiva from minor trauma. In fact, strokes can also attack the eyes. But these new blood vessels don't develop properly and can leak easily. Your only discomfort may be a scratchy feeling on the surface of your eye. Subconjunctival haemorrhage (burst blood vessel in the eye) More commonly known as a burst blood vessel in the eye, a subconjunctival haemorrhage happens when one of the small blood vessels just beneath the eye’s thin protective layer (the conjunctiva) breaks, creating a red patch on the white part of your eye (sclera) where the blood collects. American Academy of Ophthalmology. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. A stroke occurs when blood and oxygen to the brain are cut off, and causes numbness, confusion, and more. Burst blood vessels, traumatic injuries, and infections can all cause your eyes to bleed. 19th ed. Despite its bloody appearance, a subconjunctival hemorrhage should cause no change in your vision, no discharge from your eye and no pain. If concerned about a broken blood vessel in your eye or you simply haven’t had your eyes checked recently, schedule an appointment with your closest ECVA clinic today. * Broken blood vessels can happen at the situation when a small blood vessel ruptures beneath the clear texture of your eye.