He is …, Sumo's slow start in life Just recently I purchased my first GSD. 6-month old German shepherd: 46.5 centimeters: 73.8% of total growth. Sam weighs 61 lbs and stands 31" tall. Tankue is a purebred GSD - Champion Kimelot bloodline. Right now, she weighs 3.35 kg. Take note that the weight can be higher especially for a spayed or neutered GSD puppy. Smaller puppies tend to come from larger. 13 weeks-29.2 lbs It is recommended that you slowly let them adapt first. He loves my 2 toddlers and is now vet checked at 65 lbs. He was a private buy and is a purebred German Shepherd. Click the button and find it on your computer. 1 Year Old German Shepherd Pictures German Shepherd Pictures. His name is Shotgun. they wont get over 150 lbs, also feeding it the right food can help! The following 3 days she dropped 4 …, Delaney's Starry Night (Gretchen) growth from 7 weeks We bought Delaney's Starry Night (Gretchen) outside of Oklahoma City, OK on 3/5/2011. Kato weighs 44 lbs at 18 weeks and stands 13" at the withers. He's got a sheet …, Big Boy Tadix My puppy Tadix, a German Shepherd is 3 1/2 months old and now weighs 62.8 lbs. GSD Sam's lack of height My GSD, Sam, is about 7 months old... till now height is just 40 I just picked a female. I was leaving and one of the greeters was turning him over to the local law enforcement to be taken to the pound. Along with hundreds of submissions from others lucky enough to be owned by a GSD. I cant …, Blitz is Big!! His dad was 150 and mother 130 pounds. His father is 29" & …, Odin is fit for a king! Baron …, Myles, My big boy... His name is Myles. A german shepherd puppy that is 6 months old should weigh between 44 and 57 pounds depending on the dog s natural size. We got him at 9 weeks and he is now 6 months old. …, Tanner, Large Male Reverse Sable German Shepherd His name is Tanner. They said he's 11 weeks and he weighed about 10 pounds I would say. Loki currently weighs 88.3 lbs …, I have a Pony for a Puppy His name is Hunter I got him from a private breeder and he is a purebred GSD. I had to give her boiled chicken and rice for two weeks along with a special prescription diet puppy food. I am concerned. Got him from my friend. He is 98 lbs and still filling out. When I got him, he weighed …, Mercy's growing chart! I would like to know more details about GSD behavior, and size. …, Nero, Land Shark His name is Nero. I have seen a pic of mom a dad - they seem full blooded and …, Fritz's Growth His name is Fritz. 4 months 42 lbs (You can preview and edit on the next page). Duke purebred long haired german shepherd pup 13 weeks 40 lbs i have a 13 week old purebred long haired german shepherd puppy named duke. I had to drive a total of 6 hours to …, Cheyenne, Beautiful Body I purchased Cheyenne from a very reputable breeder here in Cumberland, Virginia. The main problem …, Is my 7 month old ROWDY (GSD) doing well? He is now 6 months at 65 lbs. George & I have a personal trainer. …, Daffy Groeth Hi, My German Shepherd Diesel Well my puppy diesel just turned a year old last month. at 5.5 months old. I have no way of knowing if she is a purebred (I doubt it) but she has the looks and the stance. I got him in Tampa, Florida and he is a purebred GSD. Her name is Shae. My long hair dog has just completed 7 months & is 27 kg approx & the height of my Rowdy is 63 cm. Both are from different litters/breeders. Currently, he weighs 65 lbs. (29-32 kg) heavy and a female gets around 55 to 59 lbs. She is a purebred GSD. He stands as tall as our female adult …. Currently, he weighs 40 lbs. He had a terrible infestation of hook worms :( I got him from an advertisement. He is one session short of completing obedience and protection …, Max is 5 months old and 55.11 lbs When I first got Max at 7 weeks he had his first injection at 8 weeks, then weighed 9.2lbs he is nearly 6 months last week weighed 55.11 lbs He has a 24" neck, 37" chest, and is 4 feet long and 25" tall. She weighs 41 pounds. We got him from a Shelter. He is now 7 months old and weighs 82.3 lbs. It seems that she is a purebred GSD. Click below to see more German Shepherd puppy growth stories... Is Kodah Going to be a Normal Sized German Shepherd Hi I have a question / concern. He was also the pick of the litter. She is very active and playful. …. She is slowly filling out, and is highly muscled with a shiny coat, so we figure …. He is a purebred GSD and registered under KCI. …, Dark Legend & Mystical Midnight! Right now he weighs 33 lbs and stands 16", When I got him, …, Jax's Growth - Champagne Point Puppy His name is Jax. 10 weeks - 22lbs. Hawkeye is Growing Fast?? The puppy in this video at 8 weeks old does not weigh 20 pounds. 31 pounds at 3 months. She is about 18 months old, weighs …, Bentley's Growth  His name is Bentley. At the birth of German Shepherd, while on the one hand while the male German Shepherd weighs around 5.5 to 9 pounds, a female has a German Shepherd weight ranges from approximately 4.5 to 8 pounds. He is a purebred GSD. …, Poppy is 9 months and 33.2 kg Her name is Poppy. Skinny GSD - Experienced Raw Food Diet Feeders? She …, Tasha at 20 Months I got Tasha when she was 8 months old. …, Simba at 14 weeks and 38 lbs  His name is Simba. However, at 7 weeks he weighed …, Gunter right on the chart My baby Gunter is right on the numbers that the chart above show. I went in an adopted …, Denver - European Working Breed, Parents Imported Denver is currently 11 months old at 105 lbs. However he is very large for his age. He is a purebred GSD. She is approximately eighteen weeks old and gains about ten pounds a month. He …, Tiger Woofs I bought Tiger at 8 weeks old, after returning from Afghanistan. Most large breed pups are expected to at least double their birth weight at one week of age, then experience a period of consistent daily weight gain of 5-10%. Female is at 31 pounds. Father is 95 lbs Just had him weighed at the Vet …, Diesel's a little slow I got Diesel from a lady who got him from a breeder. As a result of …, GSD Growth Question Hi there, His name is Razz. He weighs 157 pounds and stands 33 inches …, Barons growth, 4.5 months His name is Baron. She finally started catching up to herself. RIght now, she weighs 10.5 kg. She is a purebred German Shepherd dog. I M Almost 8 Weeks Old Datsyuk White German Shepherd White German Shepherd Herding Dogs White Shepherd . Now his age is 4 months and 3 weeks approximately. 100 of total growth. I've had her since she was 8 weeks old, dob 9/1/2000. beef broth & 2 fish oil 2 …, Buddy's Growth at 6.5 Months and 67 Pounds At this routine I'm fixing to explain, he is 6.5 Months old at 67 lbs and 25 inches tall! German shepherd growth chart featuring weight and height size allshepherd 8 week old dog facts puppy routines rate s the complete guide charts when do gsd stop growing at what age shepherds embora pets my weeks developing elbow calluses German Shepherd Growth Chart Featuring Weight And Height Size Allshepherd 8 Week Old German Shepherd Dog Facts And … When I got him, …, Duke, Purebred Long-Haired German Shepherd Pup 13 weeks-40 lbs I have a 13 week old purebred, long haired German Shepherd puppy named Duke. Is Kia going to be small? Dali is extremely big for his age. Smaller puppies tend to come from larger litters. From their eighth week onward, a German Shepherd should be weaned and start feeding on solid food with a special puppy feed. At 11 weeks, he weighed 33 lbs, now at 13 weeks he weighs around 40 …, Arkay's growth thus far! I was looking for a bit of advise. When I got him, he was 13 lbs. Jennifer here. When I got him, he …, Is Benson a pure GSD? I got Breeze from a family in the next county. We take great care to ensure that our newborn German Shepherd puppies have the best chance for a healthy start. I got him from a breeder In Creswick, Australia. My dog's name is Mercy. Some dude bought a white GSD to keep his pitbull company but the pit was too agressive. 8-Month Old: German shepherd of this age are capable of abandoning dog food once and for all and lean more on live ingredients. Shadow Dancer Her name is Dancer.Santa brought him to me for Christmas, hence the name Dancer. …, Koa's German Shepherd Growth Chart Progress Koa's a German line male puppy, parents shorter than some that I've seen but stocky. and around 25 cm at the shoulder. He is a purebred GSD. Got him from an Ontario CKC Breeder. 2 months 15 lbs She is a very shy puppy and has …. Got him from a family friend. Got him from a Colorado Rescue Organization. She is now 20 months and weighs ~24 kg. AKC registered with Eastern German & Czech background. Purebred GSD. They can range from 0.8 lbs-1.3 lbs (370-600) grams at birth. Averaging a weight gain of 10-14 pounds PER MONTH! His height is around 22-23 inches and he is a bit long. Right now, he weighs 13.5 kgs and is 4.5 ft long. I've been a fan of the German Shepherd breed for as long as I can remember. 8 week old german shepherd diarrhea. My GS puppy (Tili) was 3.2 lbs at 5 weeks old She was 3.2 lbs at 5 weeks old and has had some worm in her. His feet, head, and ears …, Heisman is on Track He is filling out good... he was 55.7 lbs at his 5 month check up. And moderates to an ultimate weight of around 70 times the puppy's birth weight. Sire weighed 92 pounds, dam 86 …. 1-Year Old: 1-year old German shepherds will have a slower metabolism. If you have a german shepherd puppy you will know from their breed standard when fully grown they range from 48 to 90 pounds in weight. ), Ref. I have a female GSD and I think her growth is not going well. …, Molly Molly started out as the runt of the litter, almost half the size of her litter mates but she is running with the pack now. We rescued her from WV. First of all, at the age of 2 months a dog will already be at around 20% of full adult growth. Django eats a raw diet (ground …, Lucys Story from 5 to 45 pounds Her name is Lucy. When we got him at 3 months …, Tucker's Growth Spurts Tucker's Growth First Year We were beyond …, Tank and Anika We have 2 German Shepherd pups. I got Sultan at 6 weeks old with a weight at 4.3 kilograms. Everyone thinks she is older than she is by her stature. When she arrived, …, Zeen in Her World My dog's name is Zeen. Looked like a normal GSD Pup. When I got her, she …, Larger than life Sam is her name. Most people say he'll be over 100 lbs. This is followed by a consistent weight gain of 5-10%. Now, at week 11, he is 20 lbs and showing no signs of his ears going up. She was the middle sized female of a litter of 5 - 2 males and 3 …, Seth is still growing! Height: (his shoulder to the ground) 60 cm Right now, he weighs around 20 kg's and stands around 20 …, Kato's Growth My dog's name is Kato, from a professional breeder. Our male GSD was 67 lbs. RIght now, she weighs 45 pounds and stands 18 inches tall. He is not a purebred GSD. She weighs 65 lbs and stands 26 inches (66 cm). HS announcer hurls slurs during anthem kneel. Breeze used …, Maximus: the Traveling Puppy We obtained Max through Craigslist after paying a "rehoming fee" of $250. He came from a local breeder and is very much a purebred GSD. The thing is I have a male GSD pup and I think he is really quite small for his age. He is a purebred GSD. She currently weighs 51 pounds …. He is 14 weeks and weighs 16.8kg which …, Major Payne at 9 months and 94 lbs His name is Major Payne. His mom and dad …, Colt at 12 1/2 weeks is 22lbs I got Colt at 10 weeks old and he was about the size of my family miniature poodles. We were just given a 5 1/2 month old White German Shepherd and he weighs over 90 lbs! He currently weighs 80 Ibs. They are brother and sister, the oldest and youngest of the litter. I picked him out of the litter because he was the biggest puppy. I got him from the breeder at 8 weeks …, 6 month old pup with hip dysplasia Well Maya is 6 months old and weighs 42 lbs, she is under weight and I am really worried as I have had a real hard time getting my girl to eat. He is a purebred GSD. …, Bella the Giant! 3 months 26 lbs Today she weighed in at 25 lbs at the vet. Shadow has a normal growth pattern  When I first got shadow from the breeder, he was about eight weeks old and weighed 7 pounds. His name is Jax. He is a purebred GSD. This growth is followed by a more gradual and consistent weight gain of 5-10% per week as the puppy ages. (Length of torso exceeds height at the withers by 10-17%. Love to run and play daily at the dog park. Her …, Mya too small? Our female GSD just turned 1 year old on Thanksgiving Day and is 83 lbs. 16 weeks 35.8 lb 14 weeks-31.4 lbs Though it is gained at a very high rate, but, as a trade off, the dog needs a lot of food to keep up that energy. Kiva at 5 Months Our 5 month old female pup is 50 lbs. Just type!...Your story will appear on a Web page exactly the way you enter it here. CZAR Czar is a laquer black or pure black male German Shepherd pup. I bought him when he was 4 weeks old. Currently, he weighs 66 pounds. He is a purebred GSD. RIght now, she weighs 11 kg and 20 cms. As of this morning, 23.9.2013, he weighs …, Breezey Breeze My dog's name is Breeze. (66.14 pounds - 88.18 pounds; Midrange = 77 pounds), Height at the wither 55 cm to 60 cm (21.65 inches - 23.62 inches), Weight 22 kg - 32 kg (48.5 pounds - 70.55 pounds; Midrange = 59.5 pounds). I got him from a private person, in Lupton, Michigan - her two German Shepherds are his parents. Here is his Growth Chart: We have been taking him to the local dog park since he was a puppy. Her mother was an 80 lb female shepherd with black coloring. Click the button and find it on your computer. A healthy large breed puppy usually doubles her birth weight in the first week. German shepherd puppy pebbles we re still waiting for the vet s response but to us and what we hear from other people is that she is relatively small for her age. 6 weeks 12 lbs …. He is a purebred GSD. @ 17 weeks - 54.4 lbs. When I got him, …, Floyd was 6.4 kg at 9 weeks old His name is Floyd. I'm feeding her royal canin maxi junior for GSD. Your german shepherd is now capable of digesting dry food. My black GSD puppie Bear just turned 6 mos old on April 4th, 2010. She was a rescue and was very …, Logan's growing like crazy! …, Ruger's growth is off the chart!! After all, she was under-weight, and under-size at 7 weeks …, Shadow at 8 weeks - male GSD only 5 lbs?! If he gets …, Trig's Growth Curve 10 weeks 19.2 lb When I got him, he …, Finn's Adventure His name is Finn. Charlie at 6 Months Charlie is 6 months old and 72 lbs. She is a purebred GSD. We got him from a breeder near Centrailia. Monitoring Katka's Growth My dog's name is Katka Happy loving boy! Though it is fine if the dog is a bit too light/overweight, the development speed is quite different and varies from … 8 month old german shepherd. I was wondering what somebody might think on how big he might get? She is a purebred German Shepherd. He was the last puppy of the litter to be homed, bi-colored male, with a dash of white …, Roman - Gentle Giant and Big Baby He is a big baby - at only 10 months old, he is 135 pounds. Just had Legend neutered he weighed in at 75 pounds. Pacer's German Shepherd Growth Chart Progress My puppy Pacer is from mainly show lines with a trace of working lines. Seven months and 62 lbs. A 12 week old Yorkie puppy still needs 3 meals a day as well. I just got my "Pepe" from the breeder today. He is a purebred German Shepherd. Shadow's Huge Size I have a 5 month old pure black GSD. …, Zorro the Seniorita Zorro is 5 months and 66 lbs. My dog …, My German Shepherd is Really Small :( I have a German Shepherd that is like 13.3 and she's 11 weeks. The male is right at 100 pounds and the female is right at 85 pounds. Now he weighs 58 lbs. All rights reserved. She is currently forty pounds. My GSD puppy is 5 and a half months old and she is 17 kg (40 pounds). I think I should have named him …. We got him in Manteca, California. at that point. His last vet visit was 7/24 and he weighed 17.6 pounds. Now at 7 months he is about 80 lbs. He weighs 81 lbs. Gracie Lee's Growth Progress Gracie Lee came from a litter of 9 puppies. Dali rapid growth rate Born 27/2/2011 He is a pure black German Shepherd. Not sure …, Charlie and his life His name is Charlie. The information and products recommended by german-shepherd-lore.com are not intended to 5 months 53 lbs Is Moxie going to be undersized? We got him on April 30, 2011. He is purebred. and 48 lbs. At 11 weeks he weighed 33 lbs now at 13 weeks he weighs around 40. He is a pure bred German Shepherd. easy, but will see. 6. We bought from a lady who had no experience with GSD's Floyd is KC registered . He was only 10.7 lbs. He is purebred, however, he is not registered. The 18th of March 2012 he will turn 5 months and his weight is 28.2 kilograms. I got him from Aachen Kennels, in Southern River, Westerm Australia.